Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Shamless blog bumps part 2

In our next instalment of blog advertisements we'll touch on fashion, travel, and a inside look at he life of one of the best sorority girls I know. Close your tabs and pay attention.

As much of a lover of food I am I'm also a lover of clothes. No really, I was best dressed in high school you guys. I collect suits because I like to pretend I'm a cool lawyer with a badass name like Harvey Spector.

See! I can clean up pretty nicely and you can to if you check out Ashley Mondesir's blog My Desirable Closet. She can tell you what to wear where to get it and when to wear it. Keep yourself from looking like a slob and take a few tips from her. 

If it's a bit of travel and a good laugh you're looking for my friend Elle has that in spades. She's been in the news game longer than anyone thanks to her newsy parents but her blog is one big adventure (time?). So check it out and get the urge to go to the bahamas.

Lastly but certainly not least is a blog that gives the average human being a glimpse into the life of one of my favorite people and possibly the most fun sorority gal you'll meet. Dana Jean Winter has seen all that can be seen in the greek community here at UF. She's a blonde that'll steer you in the right direction if you're thinking of going greek. Her blog is a walkthrough of do's, don'ts and how to's for the up and coming girl making her way in a new sorority. She's got the looks and the brains people and she goes to UF so she must be doing something right. Follow her sage like wisdom and you're golden.

So take a look at these blogs and form your own opinions. Hopefully they help you out, but if they don't ask these trolls.

Shameless blog bumps

It seems like everyone these days has a blog about this that or the other. Many of them are awesome and have some great and informative content and then there's mine...Like he rest of the internet many of my friends have their own blogs. Most of them are winners in my opinion but I'm probably pretty bias so I'll let you decide.

For all you sports fans out there looking to stay on the up and up (especially with the Florida Gators) check out my friend and fraternity brother Bobby Scheppske's blog. I hear he's already being drafted to ESPN's college sports network next semester. He's the guy i would go to if I wanted to win a bunch of money creating some magical sports bracket. He's also a gentleman and a scholar.

Piggy backing off the sports talk, if you ever wanted to know what it was like to actually be a college athlete then check out my friend Stephanie Strasser. She's probably one of the hardest working people I know balancing school and her position on UF's track team flawlessly. Her blog is a blend of her time in the news room and on the track. She's also pretty easy on the eyes so follow her blog and pretend you knew her when she becomes super successful.

Another blog I like to stop in on every week or so is run by our classes most avid cinephile Monica Diaz. Monica catalogs her love of the cinema through a retelling of her adventures in hollywood or various film festivals. Her dream is to move to the city of angels one day and start a life like so many before her. And from the looks of it she's got a pretty killer shot already. You go girl.

Check these out, more to come.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Clint Holzapfel: The man behind the apron...

Often men get all existential and ask questions like "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" Well I'm not one of those. I'f you've been following along then you're familiar with myself and my wit and charming cantor. My name Is Clint Holzapfel and Im currently an aspiring reporter at the Univeristy of Florida. But you probably already knew that. I was born and raised in the sweltering lair of Micky Mouse and rollercoasters that is Orlando Florida. I am an axe enthusiast and a skilled marksman with a rifle or bow. My only fear is of drowning so I became a competitive swimmer and water polo player (for those confuse see Water Polo.) At some point I became interested in food and television heavily and decided to embark on an endeavour to work with the Food Network or Travel Channel. I've already got a bit of experience but I'm still currently building my resume. I run this blog out of a creepy level of obsession with getting that perfect meal...and for the class it's required for. So if you like food then read some of my posts and if not go back to scrolling on reddit and eating subway.
