Often men get all existential and ask questions like "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" Well I'm not one of those. I'f you've been following along then you're familiar with myself and my wit and charming cantor. My name Is Clint Holzapfel and Im currently an aspiring reporter at the Univeristy of Florida. But you probably already knew that. I was born and raised in the sweltering lair of Micky Mouse and rollercoasters that is Orlando Florida. I am an axe enthusiast and a skilled marksman with a rifle or bow. My only fear is of drowning so I became a competitive swimmer and water polo player (for those confuse see Water Polo.) At some point I became interested in food and television heavily and decided to embark on an endeavour to work with the Food Network or Travel Channel. I've already got a bit of experience but I'm still currently building my resume. I run this blog out of a creepy level of obsession with getting that perfect meal...and for the class it's required for. So if you like food then read some of my posts and if not go back to scrolling on reddit and eating subway.
I think it's hilarious that to conquer your fear of drowning, you took up a sport that exclusively requires you to tread water and go crazy in a pool. Mad props though man, that takes courage.